The Turning Point
Now is the time to fight. For Love, for Respect. For the power of the Human Body & Spirit to love each other and itself for the greater good.
It is not enough at this moment in time in America to only guard the hearth and home, to only nurture the souls around you. You must also fight, go out as a warrior, as a hunter, seeking sustenance and protection for all that is holy and sacred, but not for selfish human gain.
It is all tied together—your work, your love, your activism. You have picked excellent role models—be they Lamott or Beck or Gilbert or King or Gandhi or Jesus. You are part of them, ARE them. Hold sacred space, raise consciousness, spur action for the good of the whole, for the greater good.
Be patient. Others who love you will not understand at first. You and they will feel you are leaving them. You are not. You are standing for them, and it will look like “tough love.” Be kind. Be patient. Be persistent in your kindness AND action.
Fight with your words and your feet but never use them as weapons to harm—only to educate and motivate and bring towards love.
This is your calling.