What could you hold as sacred that would delight, comfort, inspire? What could bring you to your knees in awe and appreciation?
Read MoreIt is not enough at this moment in time in America to only guard the hearth and home. You must also fight, go out as a warrior, as a hunter, seeking sustenance and protection for all that is holy and sacred.
Read MoreWork defined me. How I was doing in my job was how I was doing. Period. The insatiable machine had its way with me, and I was a willing participant, until exhaustion, resentment, self and family neglect, and boredom brought me to my knees. Then I learned how to listen to ME…
Read MoreI've been noticing a recurring thought of being trapped. I got curious and dove into the trapped feeling headlong.
Read MoreI was addicted to a deadline like my dog is addicted to Stella and Chewy’s.
Read MoreI can remember the exact moment I decided things were NOT OK.
Read MoreAt this very moment, Procrastination is fluttering its papery bat wings and flexing its claws in preparation for the next attack.
Read MoreMy personal experience with persistence left me worn-out and pissed off.
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